Friday, April 9


In my head today:
Flash Delirium by MGMTI didn't do much today, cause the medicine was a little... interesting. There's this tanzanian guy at our school and he was explaining how he walks 30+ miles everyday and that's how he stays so lean. Kind of jealous. He's also got this garb that looks like an African blanket fitted onto him with a belt. So much culture... Also, I checked my mail and got all caught up on that shit, so yay! Oh yeah, I'm officially giving up processed foods and sugar. Today. (apparently i'm a cold turkey person). When I went to the doc to get my prescription I meant to get tested for high glucose levels because my mom thinks I might be turning into a diabetic. I forgot to follow up on it at the end so it didn't happen but I'm gonna call in and set it up so I can fast before my next appointment. Btw, another side effect of the vyvanse: I don't have much of an appetite.

Tuesday, April 6

Oh Ye Weary Traveler

Nothing much going on... can't wait to freaking go hiking this summer. Mom and I doing a 14er every weekend w/ the dog. Got her booties so that her paws won't get scraped up and bleed like last time.
The Kills: Alphabet Pony